A Spanish Scientific and Technical Infrastructure

CDT-OY publications for year 2024

Total number of publications: 5

Number of refereed publications: 5
Discovery of thiofulminic acid with the QUIJOTE line survey: A study of the isomers of HNCS and HNCO in TMC-1
Cernicharo, J.; Agundez, M.; Cabezas, C.; Tercero, B.; Fuentetaja, R.; Marcelino, N.; de Vicente, P.
A&A 682, L4 (2024)
Study of the HCCNC and HNCCC isotopologs in TMC-1
Cernicharo, J.; Tercero, B.; Cabezas, C.; Agundez, M.; Roueff, E.; Fuentetaja, R.; Marcelino, N.; de Vicente, P.
A&A 682, L13 (2024)
Doubly substituted isotopologues of HCCCN in TMC-1: Detection of D13CCCN, DC13CCN, DCC13CN, DCCC15N, H13C13CCN, H13CC13CN, HC13C13CN, HCC13C15N, and HC13CC15N
Tercero, B.; Marcelino, N.; Roueff, E.; Agundez, M.; Cabezas, C.; Fuentetaja, R.; de Vicente, P.; Cernicharo, J.
A&A 682, L12 (2024)
A 16 GHz Bandwidth Cryogenic IF Amplifier with 4-K Noise Temperature for Sub-mm Radio-Astronomy Receivers
López-Fernández, I.; Gallego, J. D.; Díez, C.; Malo-Gomez, I.; Amils, R. I.; Flückiger, R.; Marti, D.; Hesper, R.
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 2024
Cross-Polarization Gain Calibration of Linearly Polarized VLBI Antennas by Observations of 4C 39.25
Jaron, F.; Martí-Vidal, I.; Schartner, M.; González-García, J.; Albentosa-Ruiz, E.; Bernhart, S.; Böhm, J.; Gruber, J.; Modiri, S.; Nothnagel, A.; Pérez-Díez, V.; Savolainen, T.; Soja, B.; Varenius, E.; Xu, M. H.
Radio Science, vol. 59, no. 4, Apr. 2024

Number of proceedings: 0

Number of chapters/books: 0

Number of non-refereed (arxiv) publications: 0